Singing Technique

Hydration Habits

Hydration is crucial for vocal and overall health. Drink 1.5-3 litres daily, plan ahead, and use steam inhalation or humidifiers. Avoid dehydrating substances and track progress for long-term benefits. (3-minute read time) Photo by Thao…

November 28, 2024

Why Hydration Matters

Hydration is vital for vocal health, maintaining flexibility, and preventing vocal fatigue. Singers need balanced fluid intake, humidity, and steam inhalation while tailoring hydration to lifestyle, environment, and personal needs. (3-minute read time) Photo by…

November 28, 2024

Vocal Flexibility

Amid winter and health surges, vocal flexibilty is key. Defined as readiness to vocalise fully, tips include loving warm-ups, stretching vocal skills, and balancing consistency with variety to enhance flexibility and explore new vocal possibilities….

September 12, 2023

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