

Coaching & Tuition

customised to each individual singer,

flexible or frequent, for leisure or professional goals


support through

illness, injury or trauma


to support your discovery, development and delivery beyond the coaching session


to enrich learning and practice in supportive communities


is welcomed and celebrated in a safe studio space

Terms & Conditions

where simple explanations of necessary housekeeping is our goal


Discovery Call





It’s important to match the coaching or tuition option to your age, experience, style and goals. It’s also important for singers and their teachers/coaches to be a good “fit”.  This is why a Discovery Session is the first point of entry for new clients at Glengrove Studio.

The Discovery Session has two steps:

1. A free 20 minute Zoom session to discuss goals and expectations.

2. A trial 50 minute coaching session. The object of this session is to provide a taste and see so that a mutual decision can be made about further coaching or tuition. The cost for this session is $105 and will include a vocal assessment and recommendations for future development.

To book a Discovery Call, email Sharon on [email protected]



For singers who attend regularly, there is a membership scheme comprised of two elements: MEMBERSHIP FEE (paid monthly) + LESSON FEE (pay for what you use).

Full Membership is a fee of $22 per month and then $95/50 minutes or $65/35 minutes as lessons are taken.

  • Regular booking reserved
  • Monthly AutoPay (Stripe)
  • Customised Coaching
  • Lesson notes
  • Student portal access
  • Practice/recording review
  • Free lesson swaps
  • All song resources supplied
  • Vacancy Notifications
  • Makeup/cancellation service
  • Event discounts
  • Library Access
  • Personalised research
  • Repertoire guidance
  • Custom backing production



For singers who want to be on standby for cancellations, there is a membership scheme comprised of two elements: MEMBERSHIP FEE (paid monthly) + LESSON FEE (pay for what you use).

Standby Membership is a fee of $11 per month and then $95/50 minutes as lessons are taken.

  • Monthly AutoPay (Stripe)
  • Customised Coaching
  • Lesson notes
  • Student portal access
  • Practice/recording review
  • Free lesson swaps
  • All song resources supplied
  • Vacancy Notifications
  • Makeup/cancellation service
  • Event discounts
  • Library Access
  • Personalised research (when added to lesson)
  • Repertoire guidance (when added to lesson)
  • Custom backing production (when added to lesson)



For singers who wish to come in for a coaching session at their convenience, and aren’t looking for additional support, there is an Anytime Drop-In service option pending availability.

Anytime Drop-In is charged $115/50 minutes as lessons are taken.

  • Customised Coaching
  • Lesson notes
  • One follow up review (10 mins)
  • All resources supplied
  • Makeup/cancellation service



Vocal health that spans all aspects of our being (biological, psychological and laryngeal) is a particular fascination and focus at Glengrove Studio.

Sharon has had more than 20 years of experience in supporting singers through situations like:

  • upper respiratory illnesses
  • recovery from surgery
  • rehabilitation from injury
  • therapy to improve spoken voice health
  • music performance anxiety.

She maintains both Vocal Health First Aid and Mental Health First Aid certification, as well as liaising with experts in speech pathology and laryngology as required.


To accommodate contemporary learning styles, a broad range of resources are available. Some are specific to membership, while others are freely accessible to the public.

Social Media & Website

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Website Blogs

Membership Resources

  • Learning tracks
  • Accompaniment tracks
  • Topic research
  • Repertoire searches
  • Audition preparation

Asynchronous Exchanges

Technology makes it possible to provide resource support that is not in real time. One practice example of this is the review of audio or video recordings for audition preparation whilst living in different time zones.


Singer’s Gym Activities


Active Listening Club

Open Mic Workshops

Pop-Up Webinars

Bespoke Events 


Customised presentations for:
  • musical theatre casts
  • church vocalist teams
  • choirs
  • professional voice users, eg classroom teachers

Sharon is such an intuitive, gentle and supportive teacher of singing, who really knows how to meet you where you’re at…I’m very happy I found her!

Jenna Roberts



  1. Studio membership includes those benefits outlined in the Membership Package.
  2. Membership is available as Weekly, Fortnightly or Standby types.
  3. Membership packages continue across calendar years unless renegotiated.
  4. Payment is only accepted via credit card through Stripe, set up with autopay function.
  5. Monthly membership is charged on the 1st of each month. If a card error occurs, the Studio will attempt to manually charge the card 4-7 days later.
  6. Additional services requested will be manually charged through Stripe upon written agreement via email.


  1. An invoice is generated for each lesson and is paid via credit/debit card.
  2. The Cancellation and Health policies apply to Anytime bookings.


  1. All lessons are 50 minutes long unless negotiated by special arrangement.
  2. Lesson delivery is available in person or via Zoom.
  3. The Studio will be closed on Public Holidays unless otherwise advised.
  4. Please do not attend a lesson in person if you have any contagious symptoms. See Health & Wellbeing policy.
  5. The singing lesson begins at the appointed time, not at the time the student arrives.
  6. All lessons cancelled within 48 hours of the booking cannot be made up elsewhere. See Cancellation Policy for detail.
  7. All lessons cancelled by Sharon will be made up or credited.
  8. Any event registration cancelled within 24 hours of the event starting are not eligible for a refund.


  1. The Studio communicates news and updates via email and Messenger Group.
  2. It is every client’s responsibility to access these to stay abreast of information.


Glengrove Studio maintains a health and wellbeing policy for these reasons:

  • We aim to respect the health needs of all who attend in-person lessons & events.
  • Sharon is immunocompromised.

Therefore, this policy provides a long-term umbrella for:

  • Seasonal upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold
  • Influenza
  • Covid
  • Gastrointestinal viruses
  • Other infectious conditions

Zoom is permanently available for quick pivot changes.  Simply send Sharon an SMS.

If you have any of these symptoms on the day of a lesson, contact Sharon ASAP.

  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Cough or sore throat
  • Hoarse voice in conjunction with nasal symptoms
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache in conjunction with the above symptoms
  • Fever or unusually elevated temperatures

You can attend a lesson with confirmed hay fever symptoms. Discuss this with Sharon to verify.

Regardless of government policy:

  • If you are a close contact of someone with Covid or influenza, please change your lesson to Zoom.
  • If you have had Covid in the last 14 days, please change to Zoom.

In the studio:

  • You do NOT need to wear a mask as long as you are 100% symptom-free.
  • Please use the hand sanitiser provided when you arrive.
  • Sharon may wear a mask if the weather restricts ventilation.
  • We always run a hospital-grade air purifier.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with Sharon.



Reminder notifications will be sent via email (72 hours prior) and SMS (52 hours prior) before each lesson.

All client cancellations occurring within 48 hours of the scheduled lesson time are charged at the full lesson fee. (Cancellations that I make still incur ZERO cost to you.)


I recognise that usually a cancellation within 48 hours is outside of your control, perhaps due to illness, accident or a work emergency.

So, I have created three offering styles for you so that you are still getting value for that forfeited lesson even if you can’t attend your lesson.

  1. Messenger Group
    • I will offer your timeslot to the Messenger Group, where many clients keep watch to take advantage of emerging vacancies. If someone uses your cancelled lesson you will not be charged.
  2. Online/Phone Lesson
    • When you can’t get to the studio for an in-person lesson due to weather, transport, work meetings, illness…but the timeslot itself is a viable time to connect online face-to-face or voice-to-voice.
    • Available via Zoom, FaceTime or an audio phone call.
  3. Service in Your Absence
    • When you aren’t available at all at the time of your scheduled lesson, I offer you the equivalent amount of time in working for you anyway.
    • Your lesson payment is converted to my time developing material for you, listening to something for you or doing some research for you. It will usually be at the time you would have been present.
    • Please read the document “Asynchronous Lesson Options” for examples.


If you cancel a lesson prior to the 48-hour cancellation window, you will automatically receive a Make Up credit.  A tally of these is kept in the My Music Staff portal.

To book a make-up lesson and successfully use all of the sessions from your package, you can:

  • Keep an eye on the Messenger Group for notifications of vacancies and book whatever suits you.
  • Be proactive and search the calendar for vacancies – they appear in your MMS calendar labelled “Open, 0/1”. Click on an available lesson and register for it.
  • Opt for an asynchronous exchange and email the Studio with your request. In addition to the examples outlined in the document “Asynchronous Lesson Options”, you could request:
    • Customised vocal health research
    • Attend rehearsal
    • Emergency on-call during performances
    • Customised song arrangement
    • Customised accompaniment
    • Customised exercise program

All make-up credits expire at the end of January in the next calendar year.


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