Practice & Learning

Macro & Micro Goal-Setting

It takes intentionality and realistic expectations to connect the dots between your dreams and your daily lived experience. These goal-setting activities aim to be that connective tissue for you as a singer. (6-minute read time)…

July 4, 2024

Vocal Flexibility

Amid winter and health surges, vocal flexibilty is key. Defined as readiness to vocalise fully, tips include loving warm-ups, stretching vocal skills, and balancing consistency with variety to enhance flexibility and explore new vocal possibilities….

September 12, 2023

Intro to Active Listening

According to Christopher Sutton, active listening is “thinking while listening”.  He proposes that asking yourself questions as you listen can begin this process of focussing your mind. Choose a song or piece of instrumental music…

February 13, 2023

The Listening Singer

Laaaaadies and GentleMen….drumroll puh-lease….I present for your wonder and amazement…the most magnificent listening device ever invented.  It weighs around 1300-1400 grams and is about 15cm long.  With state-of-the-art networking functionality, memory back-up systems and a…

February 13, 2023


*Updated August 2021* I wonder if you feel like I do about the new year?  I gave up on making resolutions years ago and goalsetting is an elusive fish whose tail I’m still trying to…

January 11, 2019

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